Statewide Programs
When we lift up youth, we lift up communities. Together with other non-profit agencies around the state, we strengthen outcomes for youth and our broader society.
We provide resources, leadership, and administrative and technical support to four coalitions of other youth service providers throughout Vermont.
If you are a youth in Vermont who lives outside of Washington County and are seeking services, you may find help in your area from the programs below.
Vermont Youth Development Program
Leaving Foster Care
The Vermont Youth Development Program (YDP) works with agencies to ensure that youth exiting the foster care system have the opportunity to rise above risk factors, find resilience, and build fulfilling, productive lives.
Vermont Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs
Runaway and Homeless Youth
The Vermont Coalition of Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs (VCRHYP) supports a network of agencies that help families work through conflict, and help homeless youth transition to independent living with housing assistance, life skills training, advocacy, and employment counseling.